The Fury

- LaRue, don´t teII me.
- I didn´t say anything.

- Yes, you did. You said ´´Raymond´´.
- I did not. ´´Raymond´´?

His name wasn´t Raymond. It was...
Raymond Dunwoodie.
Who was Raymond Dunwoodie?
I don´t know. It´s just... that name
just came into my head. I don´t know.

- So what was the reaI answer?
- PauI-Henri Spaak of BeIgium.

Oh, yes!
- PauI-Henri Spaak. I aIways get that wrong.
- OK, next.

The five permanent members
of the UN Security CounciI are...

The United States, Russia...
I know.
Let´s just forget the whoIe thing.
- Forget it? Are you crazy?
- LaRue, I know this stu.

- We have a finaI at two o´cIock.
- And I´m gonna pass with fIying coIours.

Hey, guess what. We got a buddy.
Oh, my God. What a creep.
He´s waIking backwards now.
- ShouId we give him money?
- No! God, what do you take me for?

I don´t know. Oh, he´s not gonna bother us.
- I hope we pass.
- Sure! Two popcorns, pIease.

- HeIIo?
- Mr Johnson?

- Yes.
- It´s Raymond Dunwoodie.

- What is it, Raymond?
- Now, Iook, I haven´t changed my mind.

There´s nothing I can do for you personaIIy,
but I may have somebody to Iocate your son.

You´d better not be wasting my time.
No, Iook, I´m at the beach,
and I made a contact.

She´s a kid, maybe 17, and she´s psychic.
- Are you sure?
- That´s right, she´s psychic.

Bring her here.
I don´t have her yet, but I couId get her.
Now, Iook...

Mr Johnson, this is gonna cost.
