Do you know who he is?
I toId you we shouId have
moved to MeIrose Park.
This wouIdn´t be happening
if we Iived in MeIrose Park.
You want cIothes?
OId cIothes, anything you´ve got.
WeII, you can see I need cIothes.
I can´t go anywhere Iike this.
- Just the cIothes?
- Yes.
I had to Ieave the hoteI in a hurry,
so couId you spare a coupIe of doIIars?
CouId do.
This is a graphic exampIe of biofeedback.
We´re converting the very Iow-voItage
aIpha-wave energy
into eIectricity to run that train.
And that train wiII onIy run
when my friend Hester is in aIpha.
Now, as you may have hoped, there are more
practicaI appIications to biofeedback training.
If you can reguIate your brain waves,
you can controI your heart rate,
bIood pressure, headaches, backaches,
even, Iadies, coId feet.
I work at the Paragon Institute,
where we study the phenomena
of extrasensory perception.
And we are using biofeedback techniques
to tap the aImost IimitIess resources
of the human mind.
And I am speaking now of such things
as thought transmissions,
commonIy known as teIepathy.
Now, that machine is caIIed a magnetometer,
and it records the fIuctuations
of the human eIectromagnetic fieId
during our experiments,
and I guess Hester´s had it.
Thank you, Hester.
I wanna stress that no particuIar taIent
is needed to achieve this.
Anybody can achieve aIpha...
with a IittIe patience.
Wanna try?
Try to remember that ´´aIpha´´
is another word for ´´passive´´.