Crazy son of a bitch!
Take a right!
HoIy shit!
- ShouId I drive a IittIe faster?
- No. SIower.
Right now you´re the onIy two peopIe
in the worId I feeI safe with.
- I wanna enjoy your company.
- Yeah, OK, sure, sure.
Why not? We´II just cruise around a IittIe bit.
Maybe after a whiIe you´II wanna taIk.
What´s your name?
- Peter.
- I´m Marty O´Brien...
- Is that gun uncomfortabIe in your armpit?
- No, no.
I want you to meet my partner,
Oicer EggIeston.
Hi, Peter. Why don´t you caII me Bob?
Hi, Bob. Nice car.
Yeah, it´s brand-new.
I just picked it up about a haIf-hour ago.
- I wouIdn´t want anything to happen to it.
- I don´t bIame you.
- Is that shoe poIish in your hair, Peter?
- Yes, it is. It´s a disguise.
- That´s a pretty cIever disguise.
- Yeah.
It didn´t work, though.
They were waiting for me.
Must have been waiting aII day.
I gotta give that ChiIdress
a Iot of credit, the son of a bitch.
Somebody´s after you, is that it?
What do you suppose he´s teIIin´ those cops?
Whatever it is, they won´t beIieve him.
I worked for a government agency
you never heard of.