They took my son away from me.
They needed him, so they just took him.
Keep your hand in your Iap, Marty.
It´s a frightening power these peopIe have.
They can make anybody disappear any time.
- Somebody´s gotta stop ´em.
- Yeah, that´s right.
If you don´t mind, maybe we can heIp.
Yeah. You see, Marty and myseIf
have had a Iot of experience with...
- PeopIe Iike kickin´ peopIe around.
- Harassin´ them.
I got an idea.
Why don´t we stop for some coee?
Don´t stop! Get o this drive!
We´re Iike sitting ducks here!
Easy, man. We´re on your side.
We´re just tryin´ to heIp.
Chase One to Top Guy One.
We´ve got him on the Lower Drive. Copy?
Copy. We´re right above you.
Two sedans have been foIIowing us,
standard government issue.
- He´s right about that...
- Bob!
- I want you to Iose those cars.
- Lose? How do you suppose I...?
There´s a construction site over the bridge.
When we get there, I want you to foIIow
my instructions exactIy, understand?
if they can make me disappear,
they can make you disappear too.
Chase cars,
puII up aIongside the CadiIIac.
Let´s find out what Peter has in mind.
Something´s goin´ on here.
Do they Iook Iike Feds to you?
Who knows?
Peter, I´m worried about that gun goin´ o
by accident if we hit a bump.
- Got something to worry about.
- Across the bridge when the Iight changes?
We´re not gonna wait for
the Iights to change, Bob.
We´re not?