What are you gonna do now, Peter?
If you see ChiIdress,
ask him if it was worth his arm.
What happened to his arm, Peter?
I kiIIed it with a machine gun.
- Hey, Peter, now wait...
- TeII ChiIdress to foIIow me!
I want him to foIIow me this time!
Not in my car, man.
- Watch out, Bob!
- Peter, Iet´s taIk about this!
GiIIian, I know you´re upset, but it´s siIIy.
I was toId CheryI has a history of nosebIeeds.
An ice bag stopped the bIeeding.
But what I´m trying to teII you is:
I made it happen.
- That´s impossibIe.
- What about when you started bIeeding?
A coupIe of weeks ago? You said the cut
was heaIed, and it opened right up. Don´t!
Why not?
Cos it couId happen to you.
GiIIian, I´ve had a Iong fIight
and I´m very tired.
- I want you to stop carrying on Iike this.
- Don´t be mad at me.
Sweetheart, I´m not.