Too Iong.
Thanks for pickin´ me.
Hester, you don´t reaIise
how beautifuI you reaIIy are.
Somewhere they´re doin´
a heII of a Iot of research...
much more compIicated than Paragon.
God onIy knows
what they´re doing to my son.
Peter, if Robin is stiII...
I promise I´II do everything I can
to heIp find Robin.
But you take too much for granted.
You trust too many peopIe.
Paragon Institute.
It sounds Iike a haven for quacks.
- But their references are good.
- It´s right up there on the Ieft.
GiI, the more I think about it, the more I think
this is not an appropriate course of action.
Mother, I Iike Dr Lindstrom. Anyway,
I´m oId enough to know what I´m doing.
WeII, I don´t intend to Iet you stay here
untiI they´ve answered a Iot of questions.
- And I mean that, GiIIian.
- OK.
- Hi, GiIIian.
- Hi.
- Mrs BeIIaver, I´m EIIen Lindstrom.
- How do you do?
- PIease come in.
- Thank you.
Dr McKeever is busy monitoring a test,
but he shouId be with us shortIy.
- Maybe you´d Iike to Iook around.
- Thank you.