The Fury

I´ve been here before.
- This was Babe Giord´s house.
- Yes, we bought the house from the Giords.

It was so beautifuIIy furnished, we tried
to make as few aIterations as possibIe.

In fact, GiIIian´s suite
is particuIarIy attractive.

- I don´t know why you want GiIIian to stay...
- That was my idea, Mrs BeIIaver.

GiIIian and Katherine BeIIaver,
this is our director, Jim McKeever.

How do you do?
- GiIIian.
- Hi.

Young peopIe stay with us aII the time whiIe
they heIp with our evaIuation programme.

Thanks, EIIie.
We can do a betterjob ofjudging psychic
abiIity if there´s a minimum of distractions.

Of course, it´s not aII work and no pIay.
There´s a good Iibrary right here
and a game room down the haII.

- Do you pIay backgammon, GiIIian?
- Yeah.

Good. And our housekeeper is the best
Irish cook in Chicago, I´m sorry to say.

I´d Iike to know what kind of programme
you´re taIking about.

CertainIy. Why don´t we Iook
at one of our workshops?

TeIepathy is a timeIess
form of communication.

Now my five-year-oId daughter
was very good at this.

But the oIder and more sophisticated
we become, the more we rationaIise

what our senses try to teII us.
This is aII GiIIian wiII be doing?
Yes, this and simiIar tests,
under my personaI supervision.

We´II take good care of her, Mrs BeIIaver.
I´II be fine. Don´t worry.
I´II see you in a coupIe of weeks, OK?

AII right, but I´II caII you when I get to Paris.
- You know where I´m staying if you...
- Yes, Mother. I´II be fine.

- Goodbye.
- Goodbye, Mrs BeIIaver.

- Nice meeting you.
- Have a good trip.

Oh, my God! It´s beautifuI.
