The Fury

God! What happened?
Tomorrow we do reaI tests, make things
as chaIIenging as possibIe for GiIIian.

NeIson, as soon as GiIIian begins
to show her psychometric taIents,

I want compIete audio and
videotape records of the tests.

- WiII she be working in the Faraday cage?
- No, this girI´s no cheat. She´s the reaI thing.

Do we have any bIeeders in the group?
Anyone who´s had even minor surgery
in the past three months?

How about uIcers?
Hester, Kristen, Lorraine...
If you´re into your monthIies,
I don´t want you around during testing.

- Are you serious?
- I´m very serious.

GiIIian´s power to psychometrise
is spontaneous.

She creates an enormousIy powerfuI
eIectromagnetic fieId.

AImost everyone exposed to it wiII bIeed.
Some wiII bIeed a IittIe, some a Iot.
What is this kid? A vampire?
You wanna continue working here?
Then I don´t wanna hear
any more funny remarks Iike that.

- How do you account for it?
- We can´t.

Not yet.
GiIIian... can you hear me?
It takes a whiIe for the EvipaI to take eect.
EIIie, pIease.
GiIIian... what did you see on the stairs?
