A boy.
Have you seen him before?
I have.
GiIIian and Robin were
in touch teIepathicaIIy.
Think what we couId do if Robin were aIive.
- I´m sending her home.
- Jim...
- Why?
- I don´t wanna be responsibIe for GiIIian.
- I don´t think you mean that.
- I don´t wanna taIk about it any more!
It´s Iate.
And we´re both overexcited.
Listen, I don´t understand something.
This is a marveIIous opportunity for us.
We onIy had Robin for a few days, but I think
that GiIIian reaIIy wants to work with us
and she is the best subject for
psychic research I have ever seen.
EIIie... even the most backward tribes,
the most primitive cuItures on Earth,
wouId weIcome the birth of a Robin Sandza.
And in time he´d become their magician,
their prophet, their great heaIer.
There is no pIace for these kids in our cuIture.
They´re superior to what we hoId sacred.
And what a cuIture can´t assimiIate...
it destroys.
Jim, what reaIIy happened to Robin Sandza?
He was running on the steps,
takin´ them two or three at a time.