The Fury

Good morning.
What do you want?
My arm hurts.
It´s dead.
Why shouId it stiII hurt?
You´re the brain expert.
So teII me.
Is it aII in my head, Doctor?
It´s an oversimpIification,
but there´s nothing I can do.

That´s not why I came here.
TeII me about GiIIian BeIIaver.
My peopIe aIways know
what´s going on here,

even if you´re sIow to keep me informed.
WiII the girI be another Robin Sandza?
- No.
- ReaIIy?

Poor Peter.
If he onIy knew that Robin
doesn´t care any more,

doesn´t care if his father´s aIive or dead.
- What the heII have you done to that boy?
- He´s being treated Iike a prince.

He is. He´s royaIty, unique. The Chinese
don´t have one, the Soviets don´t have one.

In aII the worId, there´s no one quite Iike
Robin Sandza... unIess it´s this girI.

How can you hoId him against his wiII
and get any kind of resuIts?

Against his wiII?
You don´t understand Robin´s needs. We do.
Are you testing the girI today?
She´s faiIed every test.
She´s a fake. I´m sending her home.

- I don´t have time to waste on peopIe...
- Don´t do that to me, Doctor.

Don´t ever try Iying to me.
For God´s sakes, she´s just a chiId.
She doesn´t know anything.

She has no controI over what she´s doing.
