- She´s aII right.
- Try that one.
I wiII, I wiII.
Kristen, where´s Dr McKeever?
He´s checking out the new testing equipment.
- Do you know when he´II be back?
- He said not before dinner.
- Where´s GiIIian?
- Having breakfast.
I couId use a cup of coffee myself.
A cIub...
Good morning, GiIIian.
You´re not eating much.
I´m not very hungry.
Did you hear what happened yesterday?
Dr McKeever´s hand started bIeeding.
Yes, I do know about that.
WeII, what are you gonna do about it?
I mean, it´s why I´m here, isn´t it?
Can´t anybody heIp me?
GiIIian, we have to work together.
Do you remember much of
what we taIked about Iast night?
Last night?
- Were you here Iast night, Dr Lindstrom?
- That´s aII right.
WhiIe you were with Dr McKeever,
you had a vision that upset you.
You were in a fugue state for a whiIe.
We gave you something to heIp you reIax
and I suggested that you consciousIy
forget whatever was troubIing you.
And apparentIy...
it worked better than I thought.
So you don´t remember
anything about Robin Sandza?