- We shall have to cross it.
- Cross it? Who's going to cross it?
- What do you want to cross it for?
- Are you sure about this?
Yes. But I don't think I can swim, Hazel.
I'm worn out.
- Pipkin is even worse off than me.
- We can't just sit here.
I know what we ought to be looking for.
A high, lonely place with dry soil...
...where we can see and hear all around,
and men hardly ever come.
- There's a dog loose in the wood.
- Well, that does it.
- A dog?
- Come on.
What do you think will happen
when he picks up our scent?
Those that can swim, swim.
The others will have to make out
the best they can.
That's not good enough.
We got into this together,
we'll get out of it together.
Hazel, look.
It floats.
That's it. That's it!
Fiver, get on, quickly.
Silver, Bigwig, get your nose under it.
Push it out.