Keep still!
- Are you all right?
- Of course.
That was a good idea of yours, Blackberry.
Yes. Let's try to remember it.
Might come in handy again.
- Does anyone know where we're going?
- Hazel does, I'm sure.
I've never seen anything like that before.
- The man-thing killed it.
- A man-thing?
A hrududu. It runs on it.
- The what?
- The hrududu.
- It runs on it?
- Yeah, faster than we can.
- It's dangerous, then. It could catch us.
- No, no.
It won't take any notice of us at all.
I'll show you.
Watch this.
See? It's not interested.
What are you waiting for?
Well? Come along, then.
They need to rest, Hazel.
Something up ahead.
A warm, friendly burrow, perhaps?