Be quick. He'll die.
Blackberry! Dandelion! Come quickly!
Come on. Hurry up. It's Bigwig.
He's still breathing. What can we do?
- We've got to loosen the wire somehow.
- Yes, but how?
- Is Cowslip coming? Maybe he knows.
- He wouldn't come.
- He told me to stop talking about it.
- He told you what?
This is it. The wire's on a peg.
We've got to dig it out.
The peg's narrower down there. It tapers.
I can't get my teeth into it.
Pipkin, you go in.
The splinters prick you.
It's hard to breathe.
The peg's nearly through.
Fiver, you go in.
I can't hear him breathing.
It's broken in two. It's free.
Bigwig, the peg's out. You're free.
I think he's gone.
We've got you out, Bigwig.
You're free.
- Bigwig, please don't die.
- It's no use.
We got you out.
What shall we do without him?
"My heart has joined the thousand,
for my friend stopped running today."
You pay for it. The food, the warren. But
no one must ever ask where anyone was...
...or speak of the wires.
The whole place is snared, everywhere.
- They left Bigwig to die.
- Silver's right.
Let's drive them out,
take their warren and live there ourselves.
- Yes.
- Back to the warren.
- Back to the warren.
- Embleer Frith, you fools!
That warren's nothing but a death hole.
Yes, let's help ourselves to a roof of bones.
Who killed them?
Bigwig! You're alive!
- Are you all right?
- We thought you were dead.