Watership Down

It must have cut them down.
It's not going to be easy,
but we don't have much choice.

- We'll start off as soon as I'm fit to travel.
- I don't like this idea of yours at all.

Holly, I want you to stay here.
You're known to them
and it could be dangerous for you.

I've been in Efrafa, and I tell you
you're making a bad mistake...

...that might very well get you all killed.
There's a homba.
No one move. Keep still, all of you.
- What's he up to?
- Trying to draw it off, I suppose.

Frith and Inlè!
Come on, let's get out of here.
Come on, hurry!
- How? Aren't you wounded?
- No. Let's go!

- What was that all about?
- I just lost my head, Hazel.

I've been strung up all day,
thinking about Efrafa.

Anyway, I feel a lot better now.
Why did you cry out, if you're all right?
I didn't. I just stopped,
got ready to run really fast...

...when I bumped into
a group of rabbits, face to face.

I tried to warn them about the homba,
but all they did was try to stop me.

One of them said, "You stay here."
So I knocked him down, I had to,
and raced off.

- Next thing I heard was this squeal.
- So the homba got the other rabbit?

He must have.
After all, I led them right into it.

But I never saw what happened.
It's not to rest here, they come.
A patrol?
Yeah, is coming for find you, is go!
You go to river, ten days I find you.
