A Little Romance

I hope, Mr. Secretary,
with this signing...

...France and the United States will
begin a whole new era in our relations.

The president wanted to be here,
but his wife... Look out!

Cut! Cut! Cut!
What are they doing in my shot?
Would you get them out?

- Isn't somebody posted out there?
- I'll see what happened.

Help yourself.
Would you get them
the hell out of here?

Okay. Have we seen
the doors yet?

- I don't think...
- No. Yes.

- I don't... I'm not sure.
- Lucy!

Have we seen the doors
in any shot yet?

- No.
- Okay. Leave the doors shut.

Shut. I think.
Look, what's that damn redhead's name?

- Monique.
- Monique.

You're nowhere near emotional enough.
He murdered your husband.
You gotta have tears.

- I can't cry if I don't have menthol.
- I don't like using phony stuff.

- It's got to come out of the moment.
- I'm using menthol in my crying scene.
