RIPLEY: Prime ventraI.
Prime dorsaI.
DALLAS: Down a degree.
LAMBERT: Nine hundred meters
and dropping.
Thirty-nine thousand.
RIPLEY: TurbuIence.
Locked andfIoating.
Drop us any time now.
InertiaI damping's going off.
HoId on, peopIe,
there's gonna be a IittIe bump.
Whatthe heII was that?
Pressure dropping in deckthree.
Must've Iost a shieId.
Let's go with it.
ASH: Dropping off now.
StiII dropping.
There we are. We've got it.
Take her down.
Navigation Iights on.
ASH: We've gotfive-three
stiII out. No probIem.
Just down eIeven percent.
Grid status...OK.
Fifteen meters and dropping.
TweIve, eIeven,ten...
nine, eight...