ASH: I wouId suggest
it'sfeeding him oxygen.
DALLAS: ParaIyzes him,
puts him in a coma...
then keeps him aIive.
Now,whatthe heII is that?
-We've gotto get it off him.
-Just a minute.
Let's not be too hasty.
We don't know
anything about...it.
Now,we're assuming
it'sfeeding him oxygen.
lf we remove it...
it couId kiII him.
I'm wiIIing to take that chance.
Let's cut it off now.
You'II take responsibiIity?
I'II take responsibiIity.
Get him out of there.
Where do you wantto do this?
ASH: We'II make an incision
just beIow the knuckIe there.
-Right here.
-Stand by.
Good God!
DALLAS: That crap's gonna eat
through the huII.
It's going to eatthrough
the goddamn huII! Come on!
BRETT: What's going on?
DALLAS: This way.
DALLAS: Next deck.
PARKER: There it is!
Don't get under it!
Don't get under it!
Looks Iike it's stopping.
Take a Iook atthis, man.
Brett,what do you got, a pen?
Give itto me, quick. Come on!