you risk everybody's Iife.
Maybe I shouId have
Ieft him outside.
Maybe I've jeopardized
the rest of us...
but itwas a risk
I was wiIIing to take.
It's a pretty big risk
for a science officer.
It's not exactIy
out of the manuaI, is it?
I do take my responsibiIities
as seriousIy as you,you know.
You do yourjob
and Iet me do mine.
[Mozart's ''Eine KIeine
Nachtmusik'' pIaying]
RIPLEY: Where's DaIIas?
ASH: In the shuttIe.
[Intercom buzzes]
ASH: I thinkyou shouId
have a Iook at Kane.
ASH: Something's happened.
ASH: Interesting.
[Music stops]
RipIey, meet me
in the infirmary right away.
RIPLEY: Where is it?
ASH: I don't know.
We have to try andfind it.
DALLAS: Let's check it.