you take Parker and Brett.
Now, anyone see this thing...
catch it in a net
that Parker's hoIding.
Parker, I don'twant any heroics
out of you, aII right?
Catch it, put it in the airIock,
and get rid of it.
ChanneIs are open on aII decks.
I wantyou to communicate
at aII times, aII right?
Let's go.
RIPLEY: I thoughtyoufixed
tweIve moduIe.
BRETT: We did.
I don't understand it.
PARKER: The circuits
must have burned out.
BRETT: What have we got here?
PARKER: Damn it. HoId your Iight
over here,wouId you?
Yeah,that's it.
I don't know if this wiII work.
Maybe I can just
putthis in there.
BRETT: Right.
PARKER: Damn it.
BRETT: Checkthe insuIation.
PARKER: Oh, shit.
RIPLEY: According to this,
it's withinfive meters.
PARKER: Let's open the door.
RIPLEY: Micro changes
in air density, my ass.
It's withinfive meters.