KANE: Why?
DALLAS: She's programmed to,
shouId certain conditions arise.
-They have.
-Like what?
Seems she has intercepted...
a transmission
of unknown origin.
She got us upto check it out.
A transmission? Out here?
What kind of a transmission?
DALLAS: AcousticaI beacon.
It repeats at intervaIs
of tweIve seconds.
-I don't know.
RIPLEY: Human?
DALLAS: Unknown.
PARKER: So what?
KANE: We're obIigated
under Section B-two--
I hate to bring this up...
butthis is a commerciaI ship,
not a rescue ship.
It's not in my contract
to do this kind of duty.
You wantto give me some money
to do it, I'II be happy to.
-The man's right.
PARKER: Let's go over
the bonus situation.
ASH: Can I say something?
Let's taIk aboutthe bonuses.
ASH: There is a cIause
which specificaIIy states...
any systematized transmission...
indicating a possibIe
inteIIigent origin...
must be investigated.
PARKER: I don'twantto hear it.
I wantto go home and party.
Parker,wiII you just
Iisten to the man?
On penaIty
of totaIforfeiture of shares.
No money.
You gotthat?
PARKER: WeII,yeah.
AII right,we're going in.
Yeah,we're going in, aren'twe?
Approaching orbitaI apogee.
TweIve, eIeven...
ASH: EquatoriaI orbit naiIed.
-Main stabiIizers in.
-Eight seconds on descent.
Grids energized. FieIdsfocused.
LAMBERT: Five,four...
[Voices overIapping]
Putthe D.O.R.s in-Iine.
RIPLEY: How's the status
on the Iifters?
DALLAS: Give me
an A.C. pressure reading.
ASH: Forty-eight seconds
and counting.
RIPLEY: SR-one stabIe.