PARKER: HoId on.
We can'tfix it out here anyway.
We need to reroute
a coupIe of these ducts.
KANE: Dry-docktime.
BRETT: Dry-dock.
TeII them we need to dry-dock.
PARKER: We couIdn'tfix it
out here anyway.
We gotto reroute
aII these ducts.
In orderto do that,
we've gotto dry-dock.
DALLAS: [Sighs] What eIse?
Somefragments caked up...
and we've gotto cIean it
aII out and repressurize it.
DALLAS: How Iong
before we'refunctionaI?
Seventeen hours,teII him.
At Ieasttwenty-five hours.
RIPLEY: Get started.
I'II be right down.
What's she coming down herefor?
BRETT: She'd better
stay thefuck out of my way.
PARKER: I'd Iike to see
what she'II do.
DALLAS: Any response yet?
ASH: Nope. AbsoIuteIy nothing...
exceptthe same transmission
every tweIve seconds.
AII the other channeIs are dead.
DALLAS: Kick on thefIoods.
We can't go anywhere in this.
DALLAS: Mm-hmm.
ASH: Mother says the sun's
coming up in twenty minutes.
DALLAS: Howfar are we
from the source of transmission?
ASH: Northeast,
just undertwo thousand meters.
KANE: WaIking distance?
[DaIIas chuckIes]
Can you give me an atmospheric?
ASH: Yes.
ASH: Oh.
It's aImost primordiaI.
There's inert nitrogen...
high concentration
of carbon dioxide crystaIs...
I'm working
on the trace eIements.
DALLAS: Anything eIse?
Yes. There's rock--Iava base.