Dust in the intakes again.
Numbertwo is overheating.
Spit on itfortwo minutes,
wouId you,for Christ's sake?
RIPLEY: We're hot,
and we're getting hotter.
Engine room, red cIip status?
One kiIometer on ascension.
Engage artificiaI gravity.
LAMBERT: Engaged.
I'm aItering the vector...now.
DALLAS: Inhibit CNG controI.
LAMBERT: Inhibit CNG controI.
-Struts retract.
-Struts retracted.
Max stress tofifth overIoad.
DALLAS: Ease it back.
WaIk in the park!
Wefix something,
it staysfixed.
Don'twe, Brett, baby?
BRETT: Right.
I thinkwe shouIdfreeze him.
lf he's got a disease,
stop itwhere it is.
He can getto a doctor
when we get back home.
BRETT: Right.
Whenever he says anything...
you say, ''Right,'' Brett.
You know that?
BRETT: Right.
RIPLEY: Parker,your staff
foIIows you around...
and says, ''Right,''
just Iike a parrot.
PARKER: Shape up.
You some kind of parrot?
-Knock it off!
DALLAS: Kane's going
into quarantine. That's it!
RIPLEY: Yes, and so wiII we.
LAMBERT: How about something
to Ioweryour spirits?
ThriII me,wiII you, pIease?