LAMBERT: WeII, according
to my caIcuIations...
based on time spent getting
to andfrom the pIanet--
Just give me the shortversion.
-Howfarto Earth?
-Ten months.
-Oh, God.
[Intercom buzzes]
ASH: DaIIas, I thinkyou
shouId come and see Kane.
Has his condition changed?
ASH: It's simpIer
if you just come and see him.
RIPLEY: We're on ourway.
BRETT: Right.
[Parker Iaughing]
LAMBERT: How are you doing?
[Kane coughing]
PARKER: How you doing?
Next siIIy question.
KANE: Oh,thankyou.
DALLAS: You remember anything
aboutthe pIanet?
RIPLEY: What's the Iastthing
you do remember?
I remember some horribIe dream
about smothering, and...
Anyway,where are we?
-Right here.
-On ourway home.
Backto the oIdfreezerinos.
I've gotto have something
to eat before we go back.
I need something myself.
DALLAS: Yeah. One more meaI
before bedtime. I'm buying.
Hey,that's a break.
What--what happened to this guy?
KANE: Thefirstthing
I'm gonna do when I get back...
is to get some decentfood.
PARKER: I can dig it, man.
I've eaten worsefood
than this...
butthen I've tasted better,
you know?
LAMBERT: You pound it down
Iike there's no tomorrow.
PARKER: I'd rather be eating
something eIse...
but right now,
I'II sticktofood.
KANE: WeII,you shouId know.
You know what it's made of.