BRETT: This is an ordinary prod,
Iike a cattIe prod.
It's got a portabIe battery.
It's insuIated
aII the way upto here.
Just make damn sure
nobody touches the end of it.
ShouIdn't damage
the IittIe bastard...
unIess its skin
is thinnerthan ours...
but itwiII give him
a IittIe incentive.
Now we just have tofind it.
ASH: I've taken care of that.
I've designed
this tracking device.
You set itto search
for a moving object.
Hasn't got much of a range,
butwhen you get cIose...
it gives off a signaI.
RIPLEY: What's it key on?
Micro changes in air density.
DALLAS: Give me a demo.
[WhistIing sound]
-You see?
DALLAS: Gotcha.
Two teams--
Ash, Lambert, and I.
you take Parker and Brett.
Now, anyone see this thing...
catch it in a net
that Parker's hoIding.
Parker, I don'twant any heroics
out of you, aII right?
Catch it, put it in the airIock,
and get rid of it.
ChanneIs are open on aII decks.
I wantyou to communicate
at aII times, aII right?
Let's go.
RIPLEY: I thoughtyoufixed
tweIve moduIe.
BRETT: We did.
I don't understand it.
PARKER: The circuits
must have burned out.
BRETT: What have we got here?
PARKER: Damn it. HoId your Iight
over here,wouId you?