Yeah,that's it.
I don't know if this wiII work.
Maybe I can just
putthis in there.
BRETT: Right.
PARKER: Damn it.
BRETT: Checkthe insuIation.
PARKER: Oh, shit.
RIPLEY: According to this,
it's withinfive meters.
PARKER: Let's open the door.
RIPLEY: Micro changes
in air density, my ass.
It's withinfive meters.
PARKER: Be carefuI.
PARKER: Don't creep up on me
with thatthing.
RIPLEY: You guys sticktogether.
[WhistIing moduIates
between soft and Ioud]
Don'tfaiI me now.
BRETT: What? What is it?
RIPLEY: Parker, Brett.
It's in this Iocker.