Books, magazine articles, TV shows, Ken and
Barbie dolls who have a mutual suicide pact...
Oh, man, how many times
do we have to look at the same thing?
Until he gets it the way he wants it.
There's a lady in Chicago, man,
wrote a book - Dr. Kübler-Ross, with a dash.
This chick, man, without
the benefit of dying herself,
has broken the process
of death into five stages.
Anger, denial, bargaining, depression and
acceptance. Sounds like a Jewish law firm.
"Good morning. Anger, Denial,
Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance. "
Jesus Christ! Goddamn
son-of-a-bitch, pig-suckin'bastards!
Oh, pooh!
Bargaining. What did I say? Anger, denial,
bargaining, depression, acceptance.
All right, if you happen
to get to denial... denial...
"No, that's not me, man. No. Oh-ho...
Somebody else, maybe, but not me. "
"Oh, no. You got the wrong...
How about my mother, man?"
"She's old, I'm weaned, I'm toilet-trained.
Bye, Ma. You've been terrific. I love ya. "
- But not me!
- Mother?
Kinda chubby. And jolly.
And sexy.
Bargaining. Remember her?
"Can we sit down and talk
about this like businessmen?"
"A negotiation, OK? No more hard drugs.
A little grass, maybe, but that's it. "
"OK, all right, look, man, I promise
I won't flash on subways anymore, OK?"
Cat drives a hard bargain. Depression...
- Hi, Katie.
- "I'm dying!"
"Oh, God, am I dying?!"
Wanna have dinner together
before I go to the theater?
- I can't.
- "The doctor's not dying. "
- Should I come over to your apartment later?
- Yeah, sure.
- Father?
- Liar, womanizer. You woulda liked him.