That's his sickness.
Nah, nothin' I ever do is good enough.
It's not beautiful enough, it's not
funny enough, it's not deep enough...
It's not anything enough.
Now, when I see a rose, that's perfect.
I mean, that's perfect. I wanna look up to God
and say "How the hell did you do that?"
- "And why the hell can't I do that?"
- That's probably one of your better con lines.
Yeah, it is. But that
doesn't mean I don't mean it.
If I were God...
Sometimes I think I am...
Depends on the shit you're smoking...
if I were God, man,
everybody would live forever.
No death, man. No pennies
on the eyes for anybody.
You know, man, death
is really a hip thing now.
Death is in.
Books, magazine articles, TV shows, Ken
and Barbie dolls with a mutual suicide pact...
Buried them in a little shoebox.
Knew a guy who bought a pair of them.
He was into doll necrophilia.
If it cuts...
- All right, little thing. Oooh!
- It's terrific.
There's a lady in Chicago, man,
wrote a book. Dr. Kübler-Ross, with a dash.
This chick, man, without
the benefit of dying herself,
has broken the process
of death into five stages.
Anger, denial, bargaining,
depression and acceptance.
- That's it.
- Sounds like a Jewish law firm.
- Got time to make some changes?
- Not and make the screening tonight, no.
- I cannot believe people are gonna see this.
- Neither can I.
- It's a bomb.
- Really?
Yeah, really. You'll have to make a speech.
Tell 'em it's a rough cut, we're not finished...
- Tell 'em any excuse you can think of.
- Why don't you tell 'em?
- I'm not gonna be there.
- You're not coming? Where you gonna be?