I've got one right here with me.
Dimmer five up to three.
Hold that, hold that. That's good.
Of course, I know you couldn't
care less about the money.
What do you think about this, Lucas?
Is it any better?
No. No, no. It needs to be more... shadowy.
We talked about this, Jules.
It's a seduction scene.
All right, take the shadow lights to half.
How much... is Joe getting?
5°/° of the gross until payoff,
then he goes to 6°/°.
20°/° of all subsidiary rights,
including a movie sale.
Well, of course
my schedule's impossible, but...
You know how I feel about you, Jonesy.
- You've been like a father to me.
- And you a son to me.
I always look for the worst in people.
- A piece of you in them?
- Yeah, a piece of me.
And, generally, I find it.
Well, it may take you years, but you'll find it.
Oh, you're cute. You are cute.
It's looking better. I think we'll move you
upstairs to a private room for a while.
Oh, yeah.
But you'd better rest.
If you don't, you're in for a lot of trouble.
Oh, I will, doctor.
I promise. I will.