Dr. Ballinger told me to get a little exercise.
Everything he does seems
to be a denial of his condition.
Dr. Ballinger, every time I've seen him,
I get the impression that
he doesn't care whether he lives or dies.
Yes, I know. But I think he cares a lot.
OK, we'll limit his visitors
to no more than two.
Joe, I wish you could have been there.
9:30 this morning,
before a single review was out,
the line at Cinema One was around the
block. The people know. The people know.
This broke every first-day record.
It's a blockbuster. I mean a blockbuster.
And those guys in California...
You wouldn't believe the telephone calls.
"Congratulations," they say. "We're glad
you took your time. It was worth it. "
They said "Every dollar that we put
in that film is up there on the screen. "
I'm telling you, they're talking about
a $3.5 million advertising budget.
3.5 million dollars! I'm sorry. Excuse me.
Do you believe that? 3.5 million dollars. This
picture is gonna go right through the roof.
Right through... the roof.
Look at those reviews. See it?
We did it. Joe, we did it.
Where are the bad ones?
There are no bad ones.
Well, there were a couple that
quibbled a little. I left them at the office.
Josh, I want you to do me a favor -
don't show them to me.
Never. How were the television reviews?
I think we got Leslie Perry.
At the screening, she told me she loved it.
Following Gideon's triumphant directorial
achievement with "50 Beautiful Girls, 50,"
when he won every possible award,
it would be nice to report that
Mr. Gideon's latest effort, "The Standup,"
starring Davis Newman, was a better film.
Oh, boy, here it comes.
Joey, turn it off, please.