Stage manager's about 8,000.
Press agent 1500, musicians about... two.
Assistants, secretaries, etc, 3,000.
Rehearsal halls and auditions... 9500.
Script and administrative, 1500.
Managers, I'd say... ten.
Advertising and printing, about 20,000.
Orchestrations, so far, around 10,000.
Legal, 10,000, auditing, 2,000,
payroll taxes... maybe seven.
Well, seven. Author's advances, 10,000,
equity bonds, 50,000.
Rehearsal salaries, and we've made some
advances to a few of the cast, about 43,000.
We're in for about...
Yes. That's the figure I had here.
And change.
Let me try to understand.
Of that figure, how much do we recoup?
Yeah, I'm confused too. Do we
get all of that, or part of it, or what?
Simply, here are the options.
One, if Mr. Gideon recovers
and you resume production within the
180 days, we are not liable for any part of it.
Two, if Mr. Gideon should die and you resume
production with another director
within the 180 days, we are still not liable.
Three, however, if Mr. Gideon
should expire before February 1,
and you abandon production,
we are liable for the full million dollars.
This means, gentlemen,
you could make a profit of...
You could be the first show on Broadway
to make a profit without really opening.