Now he's crossed into Cambodia
with this...
Montagnard army of his
that worship the man
like a god
and follow every order,
however ridiculous.
Well, I have some other
shocking news to tell you.
Colonel Kurtz was about
to be arrested for murder.
I don't follow, sir.
Murdered who?
Kurtz had ordered
the execution
of some Vietnamese
intelligence agents,
men he believed
were double agents.
So he took matters
into his own hands.
Well, you see, Willard,
in this war,
things get...
confused out there--
power, ideals,
the old morality,
and practical
military necessity.
But out there
with these natives,
it must be a temptation
to...be God.
Because there's a conflict
in every human heart,
between the rational
and irrational,
between good and evil,
and good does not
always triumph.
the dark side
what Lincoln called
"the better angels
of our nature."
Every man has got
a breaking point.