maybe too impressive.
I mean perfect.
He was being groomed
for one of the top slots
in the corporation--
general, chief of staff,
In 1964, he returned from
a tour in Vietnam,
and things
started to slip.
His report to
the Joint Chiefs of Staff
and Lyndon Johnson
was restricted.
Seems they didn't dig
what he had to say.
He made three requests
for transfer
to airborne training,
Fort Benning, Georgia,
and was finally accepted.
He was 38 years old.
Why the fuck
would he do that?
"joins Special Forces,
returns Vietnam."
What's that?
Arc light.
B-52 strike.
What's that?
Arc light.
Every time I hear that,
something terrible happens.
Charlie don't never
see them or hear them.
There they are!
Concussion sucks the air
from your lungs.
Something terrible's
going to happen.
Secondary burn.
Hueys over there,
lots of hueys.
Let's have a look, Chief.
It was the Air Cav.
1st of the 9th.
That's them.
Our escorts to the mouth
of the Nung River.
But they were
supposed to wait
30 kilometers ahead.
Well, Air Mobile--
those boys just
couldn't stay put.