Kilgore had had
a pretty good day.
They choppered in
T-bones and beer
and turned the L.Z.
into a beach party.
The more they tried
to make it like home,
the more they made
everybody miss it.
Make my meat rare.
Rare, but not cold.
Well, he wasn't
a bad officer, I guess.
He loved his boys,
and you felt safe
with him.
He had that weird light
around him.
He knew
he wouldn't get hurt.
What happened
to your mission, Captain?
Nha Trang
forget all about you?
Two places we can
get into the river.
Here and here.
These are the only
two spots
I'm really sure of.
That village is hairy.
What do you mean?
It's hairy.
Got some heavy ordnance.
I lost a few
recon ships there.
What's the name
of that damn village?
Damn gook names
all sound the same.
Mike, you know anything
about this point
at Vinh Dinh Drap?
That's a fantastic peak.
About 6 foot.
It's got both the long
right and left slide.
It's unbelievable.
It's just tube city.