I've never gotten used
to a light board.
I'm used to
a heavy board.
I know.
It's a real drag.
What do you prefer?
Really? I thought
the young guys
liked lighter boards.
You can't ride the nose.
Big Duke 6,
this is Eagle Thrust.
We've got it spotted.
Big Duke 6,
put on
heading 2-7-0.
assume attack formation.
That's a roger, Big Duke.
OK, we're going in.
We'll come in low
out of the rising sun.
A mile out,
we'll put on the music.
Yeah, I use Wagner.
It scares the hell
out of the slopes.
My boys love it.
They're going to play music!
How come all you guys
sit on
your helmets?
So we don't
get our balls blown off.
Big Duke 6
to Eagle Thrust.
Put on psy-war-op.
Make it loud.
This is
a Romeo Foxtrot.
Shall we dance?