Aah! Look out!
It's a fucking tiger!
It's a tiger, man!
A tiger!
Lance, get up front!
Behind the 60, Clean!
Got it, babe.
Oh, shit.
Chef, come on!
Fucking tiger!
Captain, come on!
Move out! Let's go!
Let's go!
You were right!
Never leave the boat!
Clean, bring
that 60 forward!
I got to remember,
never get out of the boat!
Never get out of the boat!
Get out of here now!
How many is it?
Fucking tiger!
I didn't come here for this!
I don't want this goddamn
fucking shit, man!
You can kiss my ass because
I'm fucking bugging out!
I didn't come here for this!
I don't fucking need it!
I don't want it!
I didn't get
on the goddamn train
for this kind of shit!
All I want to do
is fucking cook!
I just want
to learn to fucking cook!
You're all right.
It's all right.
What happened, bro?
Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha!
It's going
to be all right.
All right.
It's going
to be all right.
It's going to be
all right.
Never get out
of the fucking boat.
Hi, tiger!
Bye, tiger!
"Never get out of the boat."
Absolutely goddamn right.
Unless you were going
all the way.
Kurtz got off the boat.
He split from the whole
fuckin' program.
How did that happen?
What did he see here
that first tour?