...to stop me in my Super Cop Clobberer.
Anybody who'd try to stop him
has to be totally stupid.
Stupid? Hey, Muttley, come back.
Andmake it snappy.
...snow that fell over the whole weekend,
and the blizzardis called one ofthe worst.
As you can see,
one ofthe worst in that city's history.
They've not been too lucky in the Midwest.
As soon as they dig out...
...another storm hits and there is one
out west that might be in very soon.
We've been very lucky though.
Every time it snows--
- Your friend's out here.
-Friends, ha! lhave no friends.
Big Bird, we came to see you drive.
It's a little too late now, isn't it?
Good morning, Louise.
He's dead, Chance.
The old man's dead.
I see.
He wasn't breathing...
...and he's cold as a fish.
I touched him, just to see.
Then l...
...covered him up.
Pulled a sheet over his head.
Oh, Lord!
What a morning.
Yes, Louise.
It looks like it's going to snow.
Have you seen the garden?
-It feels just like it's going to snow--
-Wait a minute, boy.