Being There

Ama bu batýya bakýyor.
-Ne batýya bakýyor?
-Yataðýn baþý.

Bay Þans, müteveffanýn mülkü için...
nasýl bir dava açmayý planladýðýnýzý
bilmek isterim.

Bahçe çok güzel Thomas.
Hiçbir dava açmayacaðým.
Anlýyorum. Bu konuda bir belge imzalamaya
razý mýsýnýz?

Nasýl imza atýlýr bilmem Thomas.
Pekala Bay Þans. Bu durumda tek seçeneðim...
size evin kapatýldýðýný bildirmek.
Gerçekten bu evde ikamet etmiþ olsanýz dahi
kanunen burada kalamazsýnýz.

Yarýn öðle saatinde
buradan taþýnmanýz gerekiyor.

...a brick mason,
who did some repairs to a wall.

He was here for two and a half days
in 1952.

Yes. I remember Joe.
He was very fat, had short hair...
...and showed me pictures
from a funny little book.

-Some pictures?

Of men and women.
Just how long have you been living here,
Mr. Chance?

Ever since I can remember.
Ever since I was a child
I've worked in this garden.

Then you really are a gardener?
My roses.
We will need some proof
of your having resided here, Mr. Chance.

You have me, I'm here.
