Think it over.
Take your umbrella.
It looks like rain.
An umbrella with my uniform?
The stew is on, Stir it now and then.
Be done in 20 minutes.
Bite to eat before you go?
No time. Duty is duty
and schnaps is schnaps.
National comrades...
of Danzig and Langfuhr...
of Ohra, Schidlitz
and Praust...
from the hills
and from the lowlands...
I know you all...
cherish but one wish.
It has been our heartfelt wish...
ever since a shameful diktat...
separated us...
from our beloved
German fatherland.
That wish is: Home to the Reich!
What is the meaning
of this Free State...
that was so generously
foisted on us?
It means that our waterfront...
is crawling with Polacks.
And in the middle of
our beloved Old City...
they've stuck a
Polish post office--
something we can do without.