It's a quarter to.
A little more. Just a little.
But be careful.
Don't worry.
Almost. Almost.
Just a little more.
But be careful!
I am!
Go away!
Alfred, stop it!
Is it the kid's fault
if you're not careful?
Me? Who kept
wanting a little more?
I said, ''Be careful. It's coming soon.''
But it never came at all.
Never enough.
You're all the same.
In, out, finished.
That's your idea of love.
Well, go look
for somebody else.
Do you take me
for an electric bell?
And you never
take precautions!
Stop bawling. I'm fed up.
Then go back to your
comrades, you jerk.
I need a change,
that's for sure.
They're all a lot of quick
squirters. Beat it!
Get yourself a POW
if you're in heat.
Maybe the Frog
that brings the beer.