Blechtrommel, Die

They're doing fine in the east.
Leningrad will fall any day.
Kiev's more important
because of the oil.

More zip than in '15
when I was in the army.

Moscow's the main thing.
Alfred, you carve.
What would we
do without Grandma?

Yes, the Kashubians are
still good for something.

Oh, if I could
only be out there!

But I'm needed
on the home front.

Moscow must be wiped out...
or we'll have to feed
all those people.

The Fuhrer knows that.
They've sent my Herbert
to the front...

to make him fight.
Disciplinary battalion.
Starve 'em!
Starve all our enemies!

That'll end the war.
Breast or drumstick?
I'd like a drumstick.
It's nice and juicy.
The nations of Europe
are all on our side.

The stalwart Finns.
No goose without sage!
- The Magyars, the Rumanians.
- Oh, Oskar, what a splendid feast.

We're advancing
on the oceans too.

For we're sailing
No goose, Greff?
You know I don't eat meat.
A youthful nation rises
ready for the storm

Raise the banner higher
This isn't a Kashubian goose anymore.
It's a German goose.

Anyway it's delicious.
Now you've got
a little brother, Oskar.
