The jerk's dead!
He won't get away with it!
Leonard Augene, 33 bis rue
Amedee Cousin. That's here!
Follow me!
Leonard, 4th!
Good evening... police!
Your husband's been killed!
Downstairs, in the garage!
I was expecting you.
I'm ready.
Just a moment, I'll turn off
the gas and come with you.
Where to?
Oh, you tell me that.
He said: "They will knife me
down here, then come up.
"Don't keep them waiting,
be ready". So here I am.
-What are we to do with you?
-That's your problem.
You killed my husband,
take care of me!
I'll wear mourning,
but that's all!
Calling all cars!
Calling all cars!
Morvandiaux here!
Kramer localized... heading
direction Theodore Botherel.
Coming from Auguste Blanqui.
Top priority!
-What's going on?
-An emergency!