What is it?
Hurting others won't cause death.
We're not arresting you
for hurting others.
We've reason to believe
you're involved in a murder case.
Come with us, go!
Nothing, take a seat!
Sir, don't pull too hard,
this hand is mine.
Sir, why did you bring me here?
Quit the bullshit!
We caught him in the Bar,
he even tried causing bodily harm.
Bring him in!
Uncle Kwong,
what kind of ajoke is this?
Every time I call you,
you never return the call.
No, how can I reach you?
Come here!
Do you know him?
He was Wah, when did he die?
Be serious!
Do you know his background?
He's a real bad one,
whoring and gambling,
in heavy debt, dying can't help.
Not such a pity that he's dead.
You don't know him well.
He's the same as you,
an undercover agent
He was a police officer.
He joined the force before you.
He was investigating a criminal group.
This group of people wanted
to rob ajewellery factory.
He called me tonight,
perhaps he had some clues.