can bear to see your golden face,
your sweet face
handled roughly by a lowly boor?
But sir, I promised to marry him.
Such a promise means nothing.
You weren't born to be a peasant.
Another destiny awaits you,
thanks to your sparkling eyes,
your beautiful lips,
those white, scented hands.
It's like touching cream
and sniffing roses!
I couldn't.
- What couldn't you?
- I couldn't end up deceived.
I know, it's rare for noblemen like you
to be honest and sincere with women.
A plebeian myth.
The nobility has honesty
rendered in its eyes.
Come now, let us not waste time.
At this moment, I want
to marry you.
That little cottage is mine.
We'll be alone,
and there, my jewel,
we shall marry.
There, we shall take each other's hand,