Don Giovanni

Is it possible that,
beneath the sacred mantle of friendship...

But how did it happen?
Tell me of the singular event.

The night
was already quite advanced,
when in my rooms,
where I was unfortunately alone,

I saw enter, wrapped in a cloak
a man, whom at first I took for you.
But then I realized I was wrong.
Heavens! Go on!
Silently he approached me
and wanted to embrace me.

I tried to free myself,
but he held me tighter.

I cried out!
But no one came!
With one hand he tried to silence me,
and with the other he held me so tightly
that I thought myself defeated.
Perfidy! And then?
Finally the pain,
the horror of his vile attack

increased my strength,
so that in trying to free myself,

twisting and turning,
I escaped from him.
Alas! I breathe again.
I then redoubled my screams,
I cried for help,
the knave fled.
