Are you well armed?
First, I have this musket,
and then this pistol.
And then?
- Isn't that enough?
- Enough, certainly!
Now take this, for the pistol,
and that, for the musket.
- Help!
- Silence or you're dead.
This, for killing him,
that, for tearing him into 100 pieces.
Villain, lout, dog face!
My head!
My back and my chest!
It sounds like Masetto's voice.
Oh, God! Zerlina, my Zerlina! Help!
What happened?
The evil one! The scoundrel has broken
my bones and my nerves!
Poor me! Who?
Or some devil who looks like him.
Cruel man!
Didn't I tell you that your mad jealousy
would get you into trouble?
Where does it hurt?
Where else?
Here, and then here.
And nothing else hurts?
This foot hurts a little,
this arm, and this hand.
Go on, it's not too bad,
if the rest is unhurt.
Come home with me.
If you will promise to be less jealous,