That's funny.
This file says Frank Lee Morris.
lf you disobey the rules of society,
they send you to prison.
lf you disobey the rules of prison,
they send you to us.
Alcatraz is not like any other
prison in the United States.
Here, every inmate is confined alone
to an individual cell.
Unlike my predecessors,
wardens Johnson and Blackwell,
l don't have good conduct programs.
l do not have inmate councils.
lnmates have no say in what they do.
They do as they're told.
You are not permitted
to have newspapers
or magazines carrying news.
Knowledge of the outside world
is what we tell you.
From this day on,
your world will be everything
that happens in this building.
You will shave once a day.
You will shower twice a week.
You will cut your hair once a month.
Now, your privileges.
You can talk. You can work.
Other institutions hand out work,
but here it's a privilege
that you earn.
l promise you it's
a privilege that you'll want.
Visitors -
you're allowed two a month.
They cannot be former inmates
of this or any other federal prison.
All names that you submit will
be carefully checked by the FBl.
What names do you have in mind?
l can't think of any offhand.
Family members?