Break out!
Yard time!
Button the collar.
Who's the new fish?
l got him next to me.
- What's your name?
- Charley Butts.
Charley's butt?
Butts. Butts. Charley Butts.
You got a funny name, kid.
Yeah? What's your name?
Al Capone.
Thought you were dead.
Me? l got too much money.
l'll never die.
- You play poker?
- Not much.
l just learned myself.
We'll play tomorrow.
See you later, kid.
See you later, Al.
l don't believe
l just met Al Capone.
l don't, either.
- l'm Doc.
- Charley Butts.
How's the painting going, Doc?
The one of the warden?
lt's nearly finished.
- You painting the warden?
- He's very inspiring.