- Ah, the Americans.
- Charlie Dane. This is Dottie Delmar.
- Major Otto Hecht.
- Great likeness. Great likeness!
- Louis Armstrong. When the saints...
- Yes, are you a jazz lover?
From King Oliver on.
Fancy looking junk you got there.
It is a fifth-century Aegean vase.
I would've sworn it was fourth century.
Looks expensive.
- You were shot down over the Adriatic?
- That's right, on our way to a USO show.
I see you are a swimmer.
- Do you swim underwater?
- What did you have in mind?
We need someone to explore
the coastline for ancient art treasures.
I'm your man, Major.
Aptly put.
And you, Mr... Dane?
What is your speciality?
I'm a stand-up comic,
I do schtick, tell jokes.
I'm afraid there's no place
in the Antiquarian Reclamation Unit
for a comedian.
- But there is for a schvimmer?
- Even if she were not a swimmer
she would not be entirely useless.
Well, thank you, Major.
Major Volkmann, in his next sweep,
will be wishing to interrogate you.
- Is he another jazz lover?
- He is a major...
...in the SS.
Oy. I could catalogue your art collection,
write biographies of jazz immortals,
tune up the motorcycles.
- I do mending, washing...
- Come. We shall see how things go.
I can teach dancing. Limber them up
after all that goose-stepping.
- And Gershwin's An American in Paris...
- The Third Reich forbids Gershwin.
And not a moment too soon.
- Sergeant?
- Herr Major.
What took him so long?
Sergeant, you will take Mr Dane
to barrack seven