Thursday. I can get back to London
next Thursday.
-Tell me your name.
-I can't.
I'm frightened.
It's happening so fast.
I'll bet your name is really Fred.
You're embarrassed.
Hey, Fred...
...I think I love you.
Leader to group, we are 20 miles
from target, begin your descent.
-Bombs away at 8000 feet.
Open bomb bays.
Bomb bays open.
They're shooting guns at us again.
How come they do that every time?
-We drop bombs on them.
-They have no sense of humour.
Can't you take a joke?
-Five miles to target.
-How far is target now?
-Three miles.
We're almost over the target.
-Cimino, drop them!
They're away.
Halloran, I love you!
There really is a God,
ladies and gentlemen.